Why do insurance adjusters say that you can resolve your case without an attorney?
Insurance adjustors have a job; it is there responsibility to ensure that the insurance company does not pay out more than they have too. They will try every trick they can come up with, include telling you that you do not need an attorney for your claim in order to save their boss money.
One of the primary reasons, which go along with saving them money, that an adjustor from the insurance company will encourage you not to hire a lawyer is that they know they have the knowledge and experience necessary to fully take advantage of the situation. You might believe that they are looking out for your best interests, and in fact they may tell you this, but the reality is very different.
In reality, the insurance adjustor knows the process better than you and will game the system in their favor. They will look at your claim, possibly your medical records and even take your statement for the specific purpose of looking for ways to reduce your claim. They will try every avenue, including, but not limited to, getting you to state something that may not necessarily be true, not taking into account all of our medical records and even blatantly disputing the police report and placing some of the blame on you for the accident. Do NOT let this happen! If you have a case that involved extensive property damages, or medical bills, you will need help.
The adjustor knows that if a lawyer is involved, they no longer have the upper hand, especially one with experience in negotiating and working through claims. Attorneys know when an adjustor is trying to weasel out of paying what is owed. In fact many lawsuits filed are specifically the result of adjustors trying to maneuver their way into reducing your claim.
If you are leery with the process, at the very least, allow an attorney to walk you through what will occur and what to look out for. We have even created a report for that specific purpose. Our report, The Three Traps Set for you After an Accident reviews each of the areas you need to be aware of and what to look out for. This basic information will allow you to combat the adjuster’s tricks. We have seen time and again the accident victim getting taken advantage of because they do not have this basic information. Arm yourself, request our report and discover the information you need.
One more thing, our report is FREE! That’s right, we give you information that can help you deal with the insurance company at no cost. Save you and your family some grief and get the tools you need.