National Love Your Lawyer Day
Guess what today is? You will never guess……
It’s “Love Your Lawyer” Day! That’s right, I said it, so look out for the hashtag #LoveYourLawyerDay on Twitter and Facebook. (Really, I envision tons of posts!)
The first Friday in November was initiated as the National Love Your Lawyer day in 2001 by the American Lawyers Public Image Association; yes apparently lawyers need help with their public image. It asks the question, “How will you celebrate this special day?” So how will you? Well, if you currently have a lawyer for any reason or have worked with one recently, more than likely you had a good experience. I know here at The Miley Legal Group, we go above and beyond to provide excellent customer service to our clients. We work very hard to make sure that they have a good experience with us, their lawyers. However, there is some further work to do, which is obvious if we have to celebrate a day dedicated to “loving” your lawyer.
Although you may not love your lawyer, or even in some instance like your lawyer, each is an important part of the justice system. You rely on them to make sure you get out of trouble, stay out of trouble or to make sure your interests are protected.
Just to prove my point, I Googled “lawyer jokes”and brought up over 5 million results, yes that’s million. I then Googled “plumber jokes,” because, why not, there are bad plumbers out there. And guess what, only 468,000 results. I have even seen large corporations dedicated to and profiting off from the premise that all lawyers are bad. (See Legal Zoom as an example.)
All jokes aside, lawyers are people too, in most cases, your lawyer has a family, friends and quite possibly is an upstanding member of the community. They work day in and day out trying to get the best results they can for their clients. You should appreciate what they do. As one of the most attacked profession, lawyers continue to ensure that their clients are treated fairly and that the law is upheld. It is hard to identify one lawyer that is not looking out for the best interests of their clients. But, as with most competitions, there are two sides, each with the desire to win. Now are there bad apples among lawyers in our country and even our state? Yes, but there are also bad doctors, bad car repairmen, bad plumbers (apparently not many), bad chefs and even bad cashiers. We come across them all, but yet we continue to only call out the “nasty” lawyers and tie them to the entire profession through jokes and internet memes.
So, in the light of National Love Your Lawyer Day, show some love to a lawyer, whether it be a family member, a neighbor or even the lawyer currently handling your case! Use the hashtag #LoveYourLawyerDay and send some kind words on social media. Or, track down their address and send them a card, the staff will appreciate it and you will feel a little better the next time you hear the joke….What do you call 5000 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.